Four Tips for Growing Your Art Business During Covid-19

We’re in the thick of a global pandemic, and I know a lot of you are wondering… how am I supposed to grow my business during this confusing time?! Can I even contact clients during a global pandemic?

Our friend Shannon Mcnab wrote a great blog post about this recently, and it’s such a good topic that we wanted to add to the conversation.

Some people have lost jobs, projects have been cancelled, people have cut back their spending, and there’s been a lot of adjusting to these circumstances. On the other hand, some people are working harder than ever (hello doctors, essential stores, ahem, entrepreneurs). There’s a lot of value in slowing down right now, but it doesn’t mean you have to stop completely. What about just checking in with your top clients and customers so you stay top of mind?

Every interaction shouldn’t be selling. You can just say hi and see how they’re doing.

If your life has been completely flipped upside down, that sucks, and we hope you have the room to slow down and process. But if you’re eager and have the capacity to do outreach, you should! Heck - we’re launching a business in the thick of this!

  1. Outreach

    If you don’t already, you should be keeping a list of potential/dream clients that you can add to on the fly. I use my notes app, and then frequently transfer to a google doc when I’m about to sit down and do some outreach.

  2. Check on Your Friends

    Not only is now a good time to check in on your biz besties, but also - follow along with what they’re doing! This whole blog post was inspired by a student question AND a blog post we saw from our friend Shannon. Take notes, get inspired, and make your own plan from all the things that resonate with you (i.e not copying!).

  3. Pop in on Past Clients

    Circle back to past clients and see how they’re holding up right now. Do they need help? Are they healthy? It’s okay to get personal if you have a relationship with them! It shows you care! Do you follow them online and notice they posted something you really responded to? Chime in!

    If you’re a product based business, can you offer something special to repeat customers right now? Free shipping? A face mask with purchase? Get creative! Not to mention, people are CRAVING retail therapy right now - if you’ve got the capabilities to safely ship - GO FOR IT!

  4. Screen Time

    There’s no doubt A LOT of screen time happening right now. We already mentioned following along with friends and clients online, but how about connecting with some new ones on places like Linkedin (hint: look for job titles), or facebook groups? Even connecting with peers is great - some of the best jobs come from referrals! We’ve got our own group you can join, but another fabulous one is Creative Lady Collective!

Here’s a few ways you can support your favorite local businesses or small business that can’t operate at this time:

  1. Buy gift cards

  2. Share their work/services on social media (it’s free!)

  3. Buy takeout/curbside

  4. Reach out directly and see how you can help! Even an email might really make their day!


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