Standing Out with a Quick, Easy and Dreamy Website!
Putting together a website (and updating it) should be EASY! It often feels like this big overwhelming cloud over your head, but it doesn’t have to be!
Even if you’re killing it on social media, you still need a website.
First off, a website establishes your credibility and helps set you up as a professional. If you want to monetize your work, a website separates you from a hobbyist and allows you to charge more.
Second, you OWN your website and get to control it! Social media is a wonderful tool, but pointing your followers to your website takes the relationship a step farther. Plus, having a place outside of social where your customers can go and interact with you safeguards your business in case that social media platform you’re using today is gone tomorrow….
Third, you get to tell another part of your story on a website! You can have all your information, your sales platform, your portfolio, etc…all in one place and create the experience that YOU want to create for your potential customers and fans.
If you’re thinking “but I need it to be perfect” or you feel totally overwhelmed by building a website…we’re going to squash that!
Using an easy website template like GoLive can make the process of getting your site set up SO much easier. Our friends at GoLive can walk you through the whole process of getting your site set up on Squarespace in FIVE days. YESSSS.
Stop Waiting. Launch Your Website NOW.
Now more than ever, our world is virtual. You have to get your work out there if you want anyone to find it! Perfectionism is just another form of fear getting in your way.
“Done is better than perfect! Launch now, refine as you go! GET IT DONE!”
If you’re feeling super overwhelmed…try thinking about how you can create the simplest version of your website and launch that as a starting place you can build off of.
What information and content do you absolutely need to convey your message and operate your business?
Is there anything you can launch without? Do you need that blog right this second? Do you have to have those fancy animated icons right now?
Start with simple, and make every little milestone or new piece you add to your site a big reveal and a chance to share with your followers. Add a blog when you’re ready, update the photos when you can. Your work is going to change, so start sharing it! It’s like those clothes in your closet that you’re saving for a special occasion—wear them now, before they go out of style!
A website should let your work speak for itself.
Website templates like the ones you can buy via GoLive can be a GREAT way to simplify the process of launching a website. A template can turn a 6-month long website project into a few days of work. YAY for templates!!
If you worry that using a website theme won’t set you apart, remember that every artist has a unique hand and your work or products are going to be what really shines through. A website doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel. It doesn’t have to be coded from scratch. It doesn’t have to win web design awards.
The goal of your website is to showcase your work. The design of the website shouldn’t speak louder than the skillset you’re trying to sell (unless, of course, you’re a web designer…).
Remember—you’re not an expert in everything and you don’t need to be! Make it easier to convert customers or showcase your work with a theme that’s made (and proven) to do just that. Plus, there are so many templates out there, so it’s very unlikely your website will end up looking too similar to someone else’s (especially when you start customizing with your own colors and fonts!).
GoLive is giving you 20% off your purchase, so no more excuses keeping you from launching that site! Just use the code “LOOMIER” at checkout.
Want to hear more about websites and templates? Watch our IGTV chat with Hunter from GoLive, and pop into our free community to ask any questions on the topic!